Does Double Glazing Reduce Noise?


Whether you live in a noisy neighbourhood or you are after some well-deserved peace and quiet, you may have heard that double glazing can help to reduce noise in your home. External noise can be very invasive, from passing traffic to disputes in the streets greatly impacting the quality of your home life. Double glazing has been shown to reduce noise pollution, so let’s show you how.

How Does Double Glazing Reduce Noise?

Double glazing are two glass window panes separated by a space. Scientifically speaking, when noise hits a single glazed window, it vibrates the pane and vibrates the air on the other side, which then enters your ears.

The reason double glazing is so effective at reducing noise is because there’s an extra layer for the sound to permeate, which is commonly filled by a noble gas like Argon. Because the two layers are separated by an insulating gap, the sound has to work much harder to reach your ear.

People are able to hear sounds within a range of 0 and 140 decibels (dB). The average household emits approximately 40 dB of noise, and everyday sounds can vary in decibel volume. For example, cars emit 70 dB, and a conversation can be between 40 and 60 dB. High-quality double glazing absorbs the vibrations and reduces sound levels by between 20% and 65% which can mean a reduction of noise levels by up to 35 dB.

A conversation of 60 dB can be reduced to 25 by the time it reaches the inside of your home, and as sounds less than 30 are considered to be whisper quiet, you will barely hear anything going on in the street.

Will Double Glazing Completely Remove the Noise?

It’s important to note that double glazing is not completely soundproof, but any home that has single panes can benefit from upgrading to double glazing, especially properties in the following settings:

  • Built up residential areas.
  • Any location with a lot of road traffic.
  • Places located near excessive external noise, for example, fire stations, airports, train stations, or ambulance stations.
  • How Double Glazing Can Help You

    When it comes to living in a residential setting, double glazing can be a sound investment, quite literally! When we upgrade from single glazing to double glazing, we can feel a big difference in the overall quality of our lives. When double glazing is properly fitted, there are no gaps or cracks for the noise to come through, which is why it’s important to remember that, while double glazing can greatly reduce outside noise, it is essential for you to have it properly installed and sealed.

    There are other benefits of double glazing, including better protection from burglars and insulation of the property better, so when you invest in double glazing, you are investing in the quality of your life.

    When it comes to living a quiet life, ensuring you get a good night’s sleep, or just wanting to hear the television properly, double glazing can be a sound investment. At Cambridge Window Company, we will provide you with a free and friendly quotation so you can reduce the levels of noise in your property, so get in touch with us today.

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