What is the difference between a UPVC and a composite door?


UPVC and composite are two of the main options that you have when you buy a new door. Both of these types of doors are durable and long-lasting, offering various benefits. However, there are some differences between them that can be important to note if you are trying to make the best choice for your needs. In some aspects, there isn’t much difference between what one will give you over the other. However, in other ways, there can be some key differences that may influence your decision.
Keep reading to find out more about UPVC and composite doors, and which one could be right for you.

What Is a UPVC Door?

A UPVC door is made from the plastic UPVC (unplasticised polyvinyl chloride). It features a metal frame with UPVC wrapped around it to provide durability and strength. UPVC is easy to maintain and lasts a long time. It’s also very affordable, which makes it a popular choice with people who may be on a budget.

What Is a Composite Door?

A composite door can be made from several different materials. Usually, they have a steel frame with a timber core. They then have an insulated foam layer, and everything is glued together before being encased in glass-reinforced plastic (GRP). Like UPVC doors, composite doors are very durable and long-lasting, although they are usually more expensive.


Price is a key concern for most people when they’re looking for a good door. You might be willing to pay more if it gets you better quality, or you might prefer to stick to a budget. Comparing UPVC and composite doors, you are likely to pay a fair bit more for a composite door. However, both types of doors offer good value for money when you look at what they deliver.


A durable door is a must, both for longevity and to ensure your home is secure. Both UPVC and composite doors are tough and secure. In terms of longevity, a composite door will typically last around 30 years, while a UPVC door can last around 20-25 years.


Caring for both a UPVC door and a composite door is easy. Both types of doors can be kept clean by wiping them down with a cloth and using an appropriate cleaner when necessary.

Energy Efficiency

The right door can help to keep your home warm, which can save you money on your energy bills and make your home greener too. Composite doors usually win in this case, giving you slightly better insulation compared to UPVC doors thanks to their thickness and density.

Style and Design

What your door looks like is, of course, one of the most important things to consider. UPVC doors can be made in a range of colours, giving you lots of flexibility. However, some people dislike the plastic look of them. With composite doors, you can also achieve lots of colours but they provide a look that’s more like a timber door. Composite doors come in more colours, but both options give you lots of choice and can allow you to have different colours inside and out.

UPVC and composite doors can both be good choices for your home. If you’re not sure which is right for you, contact us to speak to a member of our team.

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