Will Double Glazing Reduce My Heating Bills?


With everybody looking for methods to reduce their energy bills, one of the best investments anybody can make is to insulate their property better. Double glazed windows are made from two panes of glass with an insulated gap in between, which provides a number of benefits for any property, for example, reducing external noise and reinforcing the property, but it can also help to reduce energy bills.

How Does Double Glazing Reduce Energy Bills?

Insulation is the process of reinforcing a property to make sure heat or air doesn’t seep out. When air stays in a room, it forms what is known as a convection current, and the air circulates around a room. If a room’s doors and windows are properly sealed and shut, any heated air in that room would not be able to escape. Double glazing works as a way to insulate the property.

When double glazed windows are properly sealed, any heated air in the property cannot escape. As more heat is then retained in the property, the outer pane of the glass is not heated by the escaping energy and the inside pane keeps the heat inside, resulting in the property getting warmer, preventing heat loss, and making sure that you don’t put the heater on as much, which has a positive effect on your bills.

How Cost-Effective is Double Glazing?

When you are looking for ways to save money on your heating bill, double glazing is a very effective solution. How much you would save depends on the size of your property and the energy rating of the window.

For example, a double glazed window with an A rating would save you between £120 and £155 a year in a detached property, or £65 to £85 in a mid terrace house. A double glazed window with a C rating would save you between £105 and £135 in a detached property and between £60 and £75 in a mid terrace house.
You can also reduce heat loss through your property through other methods, for example, well fitting curtains or blinds and extra insulation around the property.

Why It’s Time to Invest in Double Glazing

Many people are concerned about their energy bills and, as such, have started to realise the value of investing in ways to insulate a property. Double glazing is an essential investment because 18% of all heat loss in the home occurs through windows. As approximately 7% of households do not have double glazing, this can be a great investment to save money in the long run.

If your property is completely single glazed, you will lose heat twice as fast as through conventional double glazing, which is why it is so important for you to invest in double glazing to make sure your heating bills stay down. At Cambridge Window Company, we provide double glazing services to make sure that your property becomes more cost-effective. Get in contact with us today for a free and friendly quotation and see how we can impact your heating bills for the better.

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